Starting from Scratch

According to this website, the phrase Start from Scratch now means to start over after an initial failure as if starting for the first time because nothing good could be gotten from the failure. Back in the day it meant that you had no advantage at the beginning.

I prefer the original connotation, personally: starting an endeavor with no advantage, with just your “scratch.”

In the Bible, people were always starting from scratch. Abraham, Jacob, Moses – all sent into the wilderness, traveling from one established place to another unfamiliar place. Paul and the other apostles never really had a place to call “home” in their journeys to share the Good News. In more recent history, the only reason we have this great country of the United States is because intrepid souls left the comfort of solid land to risk their lives crossing the ocean in search of new things.  Arguably, most of the amazing inventions blessing us in this era have come about because their inventors stepped out and made something where there was nothing.

There is something so thrilling about the idea of leaving what is behind and striving towards what is ahead. My husband and I recently experienced this for ourselves. We got married a little more than a year and a half ago. We always knew that we didn’t want to stay in the town where we met. Our plan was more of a five-year plan, than anything urgent and immediate. But in a very few months after our wedding, a series of situations and circumstances transpired (or conspired, if God can conspire), to make it possible and probable for us to make it a five month plan instead.

So we gave notice, looked for a place to live in San Diego, and packed all our worldly belongings (minus all the stuff we threw/gave away.) A few people made comments to the effect of: “Aren’t you scared? You don’t know where you’re going. You don’t have jobs there.” But, actually, it never occurred to me to be scared. It’s not like I have more faith than other people, or that I heard a voice telling me anything other people couldn’t hear. It is just that I believe and trust the God will provide (even if it’s not in the way I want and even if I don’t like it at the time.) Knowing that He is in control makes the fear of the unknown much less potent.

I know, I have learned and am still learning, that God is completely in control. When I look at the things in my life, the coincidences, accidents, planning, and the consequences of my decisions, I can clearly see His hand in it. I think it’s a very subtle thing. It’s certainly not a magic formula. Partly it is a matter of perspective and trust in the promises in the Bible. Partly it’s a matter of surrendering and waiting. There have been times when I didn’t see God anywhere, and I was, quite frankly, in despair. I thought, “what is the point of prayer, if God doesn’t listen?” because things hadn’t gone MY way. But a little time and a lot of prayer later, and I was able to look back at those times and see God even there.

This is what I’ve seen God provide directly in the past 12 months: a beautiful apartment with wonderful neighbors; reunions with a few good friends in unexpected places; two crazy jobs with awesome people; miraculous success for members of my family (even through crushing defeats); a whole new level of intimacy with God Himself; and a constantly deepening and satisfying relationship with my husband. You may not believe that anything I have seen has directly come from God, but I know that it has. My life continues to surprise me, but not to scare me, even in those moments when I am completely overwhelmed and underqualified. Even in those moments when I do not know how to make the necessary decisions and take the required actions.

We had a small amount of savings to help us out when we first moved and had no jobs. Knowing that this cushion would be short-lived, we both applied to as many jobs as possible. Michael was hired on the spot at two or three job interviews just three weeks into our adventure. While working at one company, he randomly met another plumber in a Wendy’s who gave him his card and told him to call if he was ever looking for another job. One thing lead to another, and weeks later Michael realized he was not happy at the big business, sales-intensive company he was working for, and gave the plumber from Wendy’s a call. This new job was perfect – just three guys including the owner (the guy from Wendy’s). The other employee is also a Christian, and has expressed to Michael that he thinks the reason he is there is to “save” the owner.

I applied to almost 200 jobs while working part-time as a teacher at the local Sylvan Learning Center. Hardly anyone ever called me back, and the only interviews I got were for sales (yuck.) I had been praying that whatever job I got would be one where God could use me to reach my coworkers in some way. One day, applying on or maybe, I decided to click “apply” on a listing for a “career services representative” at a vocational college in downtown San Diego. Literally four minutes and thirty seconds later the campus president called me and we scheduled an interview. Voila! Job! I truly enjoyed working there, but it was short-lived. The campus closed down six months later (this was part of the deal when I was hired.) Another college, one that was “holistic studies” oriented decided to take over the lease and offered to interview the staff members who hadn’t found another job yet. Now, holistic studies is not something I would ever say I was interested. Actually, I didn’t want to work there, but in this economy I knew I couldn’t turn down the chance to interview. Imagine my surprise when I was asked to write what was basically my ideal job description, and was actually hired to do pretty much exactly that. I am working in the last place I ever expected to be, with people as different from me as it is possible to be. And I love it.

The reason it was not scary, and has not been scary, to move to a new place without knowing exactly what is going to happen, is that we have seen the way difficult situations have “worked out” in the past and now. We have seen that the Lord is good.

In a sense, every day is an opportunity to “start from scratch.”

They say, “it’s a new day, with no mistakes in it.. yet.” And I think that’s true, though sometimes you do have to deal with consequences from previous days. God has a way of giving second chances multiplied by a lot. Starting over from scratch is part of the process of teaching us to grow and to learn from our mistakes. It’s an act of mercy. Starting from scratch is not really starting with nothing, but starting with God – which is everything. Whether it’s a big move away from your hometown and all your friends, or waking up in the morning with the chance to do the day differently, if God is in control then nothing is really scary and everything is a bit surprising.

Don’t worry; be happy: What it looks like to surrender.

Why worry?

Lazy sunday afternoon, I’ve got no mind to worry, close my eyes and Drift away

I never really, really believed in the power and provision of God until one moment I looked up and took stock and lost my breath.

All my life I have known that Someone was in control, that Someone had a plan. It was all solid head knowledge, but nothing I really expected to experience. I knew in a general sort of way that "everything would work out." But I also knew that I was responsible for the decisions that I made, and that "God helps those that help themselves," and so I spent a lot of time trying to do the right things.

I knew that you were supposed to "surrender" and let "God be in control" but I wasn't sure what that really meant. How does a person just "let go" and still move forward in life?

It's hard to put into words. There was a moment, repeated everyday, when I consciously decided (I guess, I should put that in present tense) to NOT WORRY. The future remains unknown and I must still move my own muscles, but I have found that when I choose, on purpose, to leave off worrying and to actively look for God that I find decisions very easy to make. Not easy in the sense that there aren't consequences, but easy in the sense that path stands out above the rest.

For instance, in looking for work during the last 10 months, I agonized over which job to take (and which job(s) to apply for). I finally decided to let go of my fear over getting the "right" job. And then I applied to another job (job #150 or something). Four minutes and thirty-five seconds later, my phone rang, and I was employed. That job was always temporary, and as it was winding to a close, the company taking over the space offered to interview me, just to see if they might have a spot for me there. I didn't even really want to work for them, but in this economy no one should turn down an interview.

And that interview turned into the opportunity to almost custom design my ideal job. I still can't believe how everything has worked out, until I remember that I had decided to stop worrying and let God do what He wanted to do with my life.

this isn't a magic formula, and I'm still working on applying trust to the rest of my life. It's not something I'm be any means good at or that I have figured out even a little. But I have seen my puny efforts pay off, and so I am deteremined to continue trusting, and not worrying.There will be other hard decisions to make, and difficult moments to survive, but I would rather not be the one bearing the burden of complete control.